CTSI Funding Opportunities
Purdue MRI Facility is a Core Facility
The Indiana CTSI Pilot Funding program is intended to promote the use of technologies and expertise afforded by the Indiana CTSI Core Facilities available at all partner institutions. Successful proposals will demonstrate outstanding scientific merit that can be linked to generating extramural funding or novel intellectual property (IP). Success of the program will be viewed, in part, by the fostering of new funded grants or providing significant contributions to grant renewals. Therefore, proposals will be judged with equal measure on scientific merit and the likelihood of generating new IP or extramural grant support.
HHS MRI Pilot Grants
HHS MRI Pilot Grants
The College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) is happy to provide rolling deadline applications for MRI Pilot Grants program. This program supports faculty research by providing up to $3000 in funding to cover the cost of scanning time (6 hours) at the Purdue Life Sciences MRI Facility. At least 5 hours of training and consultation with the MRI Facility staff is also included. Proposals must tie the pilot grant to an upcoming federal grant submission, which contains an MRI component that will be carried out at the Purdue Life Sciences MRI Facility. HHS expects to award 4-6 awards across the year. Funds will be available for one-year, after which they will be returned to the College. More details can be found in the link below!